Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 7 - Digital Storytelling

This week, we learned about digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is using computer based technologies to create a short story. These include text, pictures, videos, and audio. There are many ways that one can go about this. You can use iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. These can take some time to learn how to use and put together but these are the most individual and show more personality of the maker. Easier ways include PowerPoint and even websites such as that will make it for you. Using PowerPoint, you can change the transitions between slides, add sounds, and include text easily! The down fall of those though is that it doesn't have as much personality or flexibility like the other ones.

This could have many different uses in education. Digital storytelling could come in handy when just trying to keep the kids interested in the material you are covering. This could work well for just adding variety to your instruction to mix things up and keep kids' minds stimulated. These could also be a great way for introduction of material or people. Earlier in the school year, it could be a great way for kids to open up to each other and to the teacher. It seems like it could be a great way for the teacher to introduce themselves and their lives on the first day. Kids might respond better to teachers and other students knowing that they maybe have something in common. It might also be good for younger kids to see how teachers are a lot like their parents (have a spouse, have kids, have pets, etc.). This could help with kids' separation anxiety. It could be cool to have an assignment in the beginning of the school year where all students make a short video that shows their family and maybe hobbies they have. This could be a great way for kids to open up to other students they might never have before because they see that they have things in common even though they may look different.

This video from YouTube helps to show how students need new stimulation and new ways to think. It's neat because it shows the student perspective on digital storytelling.

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